Friday, May 21, 2010

Who Knew?

And so question after question,

belief after belief,  it has somehow

come down to this: following a life lost

in a quest for meaning, one finally reaches

an impasse  ...  suddenly everything stops.

No going forward, no going back,

no way out, no way in, one just is,

as every wisp of thought dissolves

into the essence of awareness,

where one is in all, and all in each one.

Searching, striving, craving, grasping,

they all come to a halt at the end of time.

Nothing to hang on to, nothing to let go of,

no need for words, no need to speak,

there is nothing but this miraculous dream

rising from the boundless formless stillness

that resides at the very heart of one’s being.

And in that instant, just as one stops looking,

a world of divine truth and beauty is seen.

Yet the wonder of it is, it has always been.